Multicultural Student Center


Student Government established the Multicultural Student Center (MSC) on January 8, 2002, on the campus of the University of Central Florida. Funded by the Activity and Service Fee, the MSC is an office dedicated to serving students from all backgrounds.

The MSC’s mission is to create a more inclusive and equitable campus environment that enriches the university experience through actively supporting diverse and intentional programming. The MSC will strive to promote awareness, strengthen cultural competency and social responsibility by encouraging the educational exploration and challenge of societal norms that enables students to explore the varied concepts of multiculturalism. For the MSC, multiculturalism extends beyond areas of race, ethnicity, and culture and includes sexuality, gender identity, ability, spirituality, and social advocacy to support a more culturally competent UCF student body.

Multicultural Monthly Programming

  • August – Taste of UCF
  • September – Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month (Sep. 15- Oct. 15)
  • October – LGBTQ+ History Month
  • November – Transgender Day of Remembrance Nov. 20
  • December – World Aids Day Banquet
  • February – Black History Month
  • March – Month of the Women & Transgender Day of Visibility
  • April – Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

Support for RSO’s

Registered Student Organizations (RSO’s) have the opportunity to apply for a shared workspace within the Cultural Center. Organizations are granted workspace with a shared computer and access to printing. In addition, MSC also provides funding opportunities to RSO’s.


MSC Executive Board

The MSC Executive Board is made up of 10 undergraduate or graduate students. Together they collaborate to create events on campus that cater to the UCF student body. The main goal is to create events that accurately represent and celebrate the many cultures represented by the student population. Every spring semester MSC onboards new executive board.


MSC provides both collaboration and financial sponsorship to various RSO's and UCF departments and colleges. If your organization wishes to partner with MSC or seek financial assistance for an event please complete our collaboration or funding request form via KnightConnect.

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